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College girl in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2021-07-14Updated:2021-07-14
Similar words: collegecollege boycollegialcollegianeton collegecollegiatecollege leveljunior collegeMeaning: n. a female student at a coeducational college or university. 
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1. She has college girls living with her down there.
2. Bill had been dating a young college girl.
3. Juan Zi: She is a college girl.
4. There was another college girl working together with me.
5. No. She was a rich Californian college girl who got kidnapped by these awful left-wing political terrorists,and they made her rob banks.
6. Picture a college girl named Gloria, climbing up high on a ladder, struggling to clean that 2)filthy ceiling.
7. Giving lessons in physique can help college girl students correct their poor postures, form good postures of standing , sitting and walking so as to display girls' graceful
8. That college girl felt a bit guilty that she hadn't called home much.
9. Picture a college girl named Gloria, climbing up high on a ladder, struggling to clean that filthy ceiling.
10. Aerobics teaching constitutes a central part in current college girl students P E, the teaching method of which has its own characteristics and innate laws.
11. Did that poor college girl forgive Andy Dick for apologizing after peeing on her at the Funny Bone in Columbus, Ohio?
12. The article analyses the features of college girl students' body and mind and psychology conducting in physical lessons.
13. Two rows behind the bench sits a sweet-faced junior college girl who just announced her intention to play for Oregon next year.
14. A series of SMS-messages displayed on a tv-screen form a chat-conversation between 'Kaap' and a Chinese college girl about love, boyfriends, clothing and everyday college-life.
15. It is an unable evasive problem that the resistance stuff has descended of college girl students.
16. I came out of the theater, tears streaming, and overheard the petulant voice of a college girl complaining to her boyfriend, “Well I don't see what was so special about that movie.
17. A teacher of physique lesson possesses beautiful physique and scientific and changeable teaching tactics, and it is the important factor to attract college girl to carry on physique exercises.
18. Online education gives you more time to browse those dating sites, which are full of liars and psychos — way more exciting than the average college girl.
19. I'm finding that I don't like the tourist towns much, and will try to avoid them when I can from now on, though I did manage to land myself a juicy American college girl last night.
20. By means of survey and thorough interview, the ideas of choosing spouse in contemporary college girl students have been studied.
More similar words: collegecollege boycollegialcollegianeton collegecollegiatecollege leveljunior collegecollege studentcommunity collegebusiness collegedartmouth collegetraining collegeelectoral collegelittle girlintercollegiatevalley girlallegeallegedallegedlytoll collectorallegiantillegibleallegianceillegiblyillegitimacyillegibilityillegitimateit is alleged thatcollet
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